Online quote and subscription for Hail-Warning service Presentation of the service This page is dedicated to providing quotes and subscription to our Grêle Warning service. . In addition to subscribing to one of packages, you can use this page to estimate the cost of the various options you have chosen and pay for your subscription using a bank card or by cheque/bank order. NB : rates are calculated automatically and are shown in € excl. tax at the bottom of the page. The final price incl. tax (20% VAT applicable) will be shown in the order summary that you will receive by email when you have clicked on the "Order/payment" button at the bottom of the page Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are compulsory If you need help filling out this form, or if you require any further information, please do not to contact us Informations about the applicant Name :(*) Invalid Input First name :(*) Entrée non valide Company : Invalid Input Phone :(*) Donnée Invalide Billing adress : Entrée non valide Email adress :(*) Invalid Input Type of subscription plan You are :(*) A companyA network with independant workers Entrée non valide Choose a plan(*) Hail Warning "MAIL" Hail Warning "PREMIUM" Veuillez sélectionner une option Choose a subscription duration(*) YearMonthly Entrée non valide Monthly(*) JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Please choose one or several months Number of users (overhead of 150 € VAT non included / pers. beyond 3 recipients for companies and beyond 15 user for independant networks) :(*) Donnée invalide Recipients email adresses Entrée non valide Total of your subscription (VAT not included) Entrée non valide 0.00 € Remise Entrée non valide Payment method PaypalBank transferCredit card (secure transaction) Proceed Reinitialize Antispam security(*) Entrée non valide